Friday, October 4, 2013

Day 9 + of God – of me: Love your neighbor as yourself!

“And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.” (Mark 12:31), a lot people think they perfectly obey this verse, but let’s think, a lot of us pass all day evangelizing, helping others as much as possible, praying, helping the people, and going to church every day giving all our energy and time Isn’t?, but… What happen to us? If we read again my friends, you would see that this commandment is not just about the people. Let’s understand this; we need to love our neighbor as we love ourselves, Right! Now think with me… If we don’t love ourselves, honestly, we don’t love our neighbor!

How many women treat them like nothing? Just having extra time, they think is enough. But what extra time do we have nowadays?  This is an excuse to many women so they don’t take care of themselves, they don’t eat healthy, they don’t do a make-over, they don’t have time for them, and they live on a race. And you know what happen?

They convert to stress women! They can be anywhere but at the same time at any place, they don’t see things that are clearly in front of them, they are blind of the real necessities of the people, they are very concentrate to see what God wants from them and it is a shame and you know why? Can you serve God without health? You can be a good wife, housewife, mother, daughter, team worker, Pastor’s wife, assistant or servant of God without your health and peace? Of course not my friends!
Another thing: If you can’t serve people inside your own house, do you think you can serve those strange people?
Today you are going to invest in yourself!

If you need to exercise you are going to start today, if you have time for every one and not for you, you are going to be organized and you are going to have time to take care of yourself and so on and so for. Ask God to show you what you need to invest in yourself and you are going to do it. If you love yourself, naturally you would love and would take care of your neighbor, you understand?

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"A servant that has the same characteristics as God does not only do His work, but overall, His will."