Sunday, December 15, 2013

+ Of God and nothing of comfort!

We have received emails and have talked to people that has a lot of time in church, but are empty…. People, who have a lot of responsibilities, talk very well about Jesus by what they hear, but they don’t have any of God’s inside of them. People who does everything right, they are responsible, good people, who have a huge faith but at the same they are mix with a lot of doubts and evil thoughts; They are people who are hanging by a thread and let themselves be carried away by what they see, hear and talk about.

They have faith to be the best at what they are doing, but they don’t have faith to protect the most valuable treasure which is the Salvation, they can’t see it as the most important thing in their lives; the victorious are the ones who can remain and don’t save all the world and loses their salvation.

This month we are going to still be working to have + of God, we are not going to accept to be in the church depending in the faith of others, we are not going to accept be on top of the wall; ENOUGH! Is the moment to get out of the spiritual comfort zone! Is time to wake up from that routine that hasn’t take you to have the most precious thing which is the New Birth, your life with God, this routine has just pleased your will, Isn’t?

Is time to concentrate in what really matters, if you are tired to be the same as others, going in and out from church and nothing happens, year through year the same way, you can’t finish  anything in your life; is time for you to change your routine, making things the other way! Change to the opposite direction!

This purpose is not for everyone; make these questions and have the feet on the ground in the time to answer so this purpose is not just another purpose that would not bring results:

Are you already really tired of suffering? OR have you been able to manage and live with the problems and your will?

Are you willing to break your routine and habits that you only have done your will and not the will of God?

Have you been considered in truth that your priority in life is the new birth? Having + of God inside you?

Your answers to these questions will be the response if this purpose is truly for you or not; it really is, you will not be the same!

If you are willing to have + God, here are the instructions:

Talk to God and expose everything that has distanced you from Him. After, leave the comments of your spiritual routine, do not be shy! Break the habit of showing something that you are not!
Look for a partner to make this purpose with you. Invite her to help you and you will help her, please leave your name and hers here.

Come back here on Tuesday ;-)

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"A servant that has the same characteristics as God does not only do His work, but overall, His will."