“ That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive; But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ:” Ephesians 4:14-15.
Mediating in this verse, I stopped everything I was doing and I started to think about what is happening to me. Sometimes we want to fight with our own strengthen in little things, that are not worth it, I take a deep breath (In my mind I want to act, demand, etc.) but I think and I ask God for mercy and I move on, doing this I start to see in the future, I would have taken an attitude in that exact moment, everything would have gone wrong.
With time, I have learned to wait in the right moment to resolve each situation, and first I resolve it with God. The answer is right! And how do I know the right time? When I put aside what I’m feeling in the moment and I put all those feelings in God’s hands. We, humans are very anxious; we want to resolve things for yesterday. If everything would be so quick and easy to be resolve, we would not gain maturity.
Time gives us maturity and to get it, we need to put all our anxiety in God’s hands, and is not easy because is our human nature, that’s why it hurts to give but is not impossible when we want to please God, for me maturity is like some lenses of measure to see far away, to see the future, to look later the situation that we see now that many times it makes you feel like taking away your hair, but when we walk our path we gain maturity, we have the capacity to deal with our own problems and with others in general.
Who likes to eat unripe fruit from the tree? It tastes good when we eat a ripe fruit, in the right moment, in the same way, God also has a plan for growth and spiritual maturity for those who decide (to give their anxieties) to do His will.
God has a very well-defined objective to guide us in the process of maturity; He wants us to participant of his work: "Be fruitful.”
But for that to happen, we need of maturity to be clay in the hands of the potter. Cease to be girls in the faith, not to accept the rebuke of lip service, but recognize that we need to change, put ourselves in the place of the people and stop thinking in ourselves and practice to be MERCIFUL.
Think about it. How do you know when the fruit is mature? When it falls from the tree.
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